The Marine Military Academy is a private, non-profit military school located in Harlingen, Texas. It is one of the finest college preparatory schools in the country. Not only does it have an outstanding academic reputation, but it also teaches boys and young men many important life lessons that most of today's society seems to have forgotten. This is not a reform school nor a prep school for spoiled rich kids. It's a serious academic institution that prides itself on scholastic achievement, excels athletically, and stresses the importance of old-fashioned values like honor, integrity, punctuality, and responsibility.

How do I know so much about the school? I attended for five years. I believe in the things this school is teaching, and I believe in their methods. I won't go into detail because the school's recruiting information is quite a bit more informative than I could be here.

For more information about MMA, check out their web site, or contact them:

Marine Military Academy
320 Iwo Jima Blvd.
Harlingen, TX  78550
(956) 432-6006

The school has a very active Parents Organization that performs fund raising for cadet-oriented activities and needs as well providing a mutually-supportive forum for parents of cadets.

MMA Alumni

If you are a former cadet and haven't contacted the school in a while, please do.  Just call (956) 423-6006 and ask for the Alumni Affairs office.  Somebody will be happy to talk to you, ask how you're doing, and get your contact information.  You can also send mail to

Also be sure to check out the Alumni section of the web site.  Be sure to fill out the Alumni information form, and sign up to participate on the Alumni Bulletin Board.  Find out about recruiting presentations in your area (calendar here), and make plans to attend.  Lt. Col Grider, Colonel Hobbs, and the other members of the MMA recruiting team are happy to let former cadets talk to prospective cadets and their parents.

Alumni Renuion

The school hosts an annual Alumni reunion each Spring--usually around the first or second week of April.  Former cadets from all classes are invited, and we always have a great time.  Plan to attend and re-connect with old friends.

In 2004, Craig Matteson (MMA 1979) and I created the Annual Gunny Ski Memorial Bicycle Ride to raise funds for the Gunny Ski Memorial Scholarship Fund.  The event consists of riding bicycles from my house in Round Rock, TX to the school in Harlingen:  335 miles in three days.  In 2005, we added a rider--my wife Debra.  Debra didn't make the ride in 2006, although she did provide some much-needed ride support.  We recruited a new victim, Frank Colunga (MMA 1975) to join us.

3rd Annual Gunny Ski Memorial Bicycle Ride, April 3-6, 2006

2nd Annual Gunny Ski Memorial Bicycle Ride, April 12-14, 2005

1st Annual Gunny Ski Memorial Bicycle Ride, March 30-April 1, 2004

Reunion 2001 Photos